Friday, April 04, 2008

Steak Delivery

So over the last two weeks I've noticed a new ad on the subway system here in Boston - provides a simple service - they tell you what restaurants in your area deliver*. They're slogan is "Discover Who Delivers," which led me to believe the delivery service may extend beyond the typical choice of Chinese food (which I hate) and pizza (which I love, but is rarely enough for a meal).

And wouldn't you know, it does! There are a whopping 89 restaurants in my vicinity that deliver. If you think that's impressive, Julie has 176! But c'mon now, that's downtown (and, being downtown, most of them use a delivery service, which charges you (on average) an extra $5); I live in Somerville, and there's a reason you haven't heard of it. I was shocked when I discovered we HAD restaurants around here**, but these delivery options...

Anyway, so I've discovered I could spend hours on this site, but it only took me a few minutes to come across the holy grail...

The Cheesecake Factory delivers.

I could get steak delivered right to my door.

Never let anyone tell you you're not living in the greatest country in the world. For truly, no country that delivers steak to your door is anything less than Great.

*Unfortunately, their incredible service is only available in San Francisco, Chicago, and Boston...for now.

**Besides the Pizzeria Uno, whose burgers have disappointed me for the last time.

P.S. My test went pretty spectacularly, save for one question that actually had me staring at the page, asking myself, "what IS this film she's asking us about?" But I clinched every extra credit question, and absolutely slaughtered the sections on Poetic Realism and Neorealism, so I felt pretty good about myself.


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