Friday, April 11, 2008

Bof Fry Flew

Bank with the most complaints in 2007...Bank of America! Always glad when my choice in banking is more or less rated the worst.

I've decided the worst way to live is to have a set day to clean your room. It just gives me all the more reason to let it go to hell the rest of the week (or two weeks, as it ended up being this time) - "who cares? I'm gonna clean it in a few days anyway!"

I swear to God, I have an article to read called "Online Communication Between Australians and Koreans." Oh man, and it's from 1999, and I don't know if you've ever had to read technology articles from the past, but that stuff does not date well.

April 29th
10-page paper about The War Room

April 30th
First act of a screenplay; 8-10 page outline of last two acts
30-minute group presentation on the movie Hitch

May 1st
8-page paper on European cinema, topic to be decided

Status: All uncompleted, all unstarted. Argh. At least it's all in one week. I guess. It is the week right after my birthday, but, you know...whatever.

Tom Petty, I could listen to you all day.

This Actually Exists


At 4/12/2008 5:58 PM, Blogger b said...

i'm a bank of america kid too. did cynda ever tell you that time they tried to give her 100 grand and she said no thanks?

i do that same thing with cleaning my room. its a terrible cycle.

that stroke thing is, well, i don't know what the hell that is. F.A.S.T. !

At 4/12/2008 8:54 PM, Blogger Cynda said...

Ok i did not say no thanks. They put it in my account on acciednt for like a month and I just left it there figuring they'd realize their mistake and they did.

I no longer bank with them. They are the worst. They kept accidently taking money out of my account!

Btw Mrs. Machuca says you are liable for the money they put in your account so if you take it you will go to jail if you can't pay it back. It has happened before apparently and been in the news.


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