Saturday, January 13, 2007

Good Lord Am I Tired

Picked a good time to just be getting over the Stomach Flu, too. After getting limited sleep Wednesday night so I could drive my mom to the airport Thursday morning, Thursday night ended up being a 5 AM bedtime, and last night a 6:30 (also AM...honestly, I coulda kept playing pool all night, but I get to get up at...3:30 tomorrow for my flight back to Boston...good times).

Here's the James Brown video I was talking's gold. ended up being a great break, though. Which is contrary to my previous post, but I guess once I stopped being sick and sorta took it all in perspective, it was pretty damn fun. I'm really looking forward to this semester at college though (which is a first; every other semester has been a dreaded venture from the start). Great classes, most everyone back in the States, Entourage comes back on the air (granted, I'll be getting my dad to DVR the first month and a half), 300 comes out, and I turn 21 (in your face!).

Anyway, back to packing...taking off in an hour for some most excellent steak with my dad, too...awesome. Take it easy ya'll.


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