Close Enough to Look in My Eyes, Sharona
So here's something that sucks. I had like...way over a full post written for today, and I had intended to add to it during this shift, but I left my computer at home yesterday, open and unplugged. So the battery got drained and it shut down and I hadn't saved this file.
I can't even remember what I had been talking about, but it was good, solid stuff. So I'm starting again from the top.
I was doing some research on space (it's sort of convoluted to explain why), and I found out that just last year they discovered twenty-eight new planets in the Milky Way, leading them to believe there are billions of planets in the galaxy. Doesn't that just blow your mind? Space still kinda fascinates me in a way.
We watched Super Size Me in my documentary class yesterday, a film I had managed to avoid since its 2004 release. I enjoyed watching it more than I thought, though I agree with the criticisms that Morgan Spurlock is attacking an obvious, easy target, and there are some really glaring flaws in his experiment in eating McDonald's for a month straight. Notably, he eats about 5,000 calories a day. If you eat 5,000 calories of anything, it'll probably do some serious damage too.
We have a three-day weekend this weekend. That makes me happier than you can imagine.
In a week and five hours, I'll be twenty-two. This will make me exactly the same age as Dante and Randal in Clerks, and by association, the same age as Kevin Smith when he made Clerks. I doubt this will make me relate to it more...maybe in about three years when my lifestyle and economic position more closely resembles theirs. Although I won't be living with my parents. When people ask me where I see myself in five years, I find it difficult to answer, but that's pretty much the one thing I know. I think once you start getting into your late twenties, the five-year question becomes easier to answer, but at our age, five years is a long friggin' time. Huge changes can and often do take place. I mean, I'll be out of college in a year, and I have no idea what I'm going to do once I move out of Somerville (well, I guess I know I'll move out of Somerville).
That European Cinema test I was uncertain about? The one for the class in which I lost all my notes and only studied for in the two hours prior to it? A+. 100%. I swear to God.
I dressed for much warmer weather today. It's going to be 70 tomorrow though. Although they said it'd be 77 today, and that didn't happen either.
I'm trying a new pizza place tonight in my quest to find a pizza in Boston as good as It's a Beautiful Pizza. Julie said this place is pretty damn good. We'll see.
Finally sent my tax return in today. Hopefully they'll still give me money.
Ben, I lied. I got no homework done on my shift today, at all. Instead I read a 10-page profile on George Clooney and wrote this post.
I just wanna use your love tonight
I don't wanna lose your love tonight
That song's been stuck in my head all day.
This was a disappointing post, I know and I'm sorry. I just did not have the energy tonight. Here's something to cheer you up:
every so often, microsoft's auto-recover feature saves my ass... much too often actually, we never really learn to save things.
also, have you ever felt the dome? if you don't know what i'm talking about, then i'm putting it on our list of things to do this summer, because it's wild.
also, i sometimes eat 5,000 calories a day. i swear. no joke, i counted. sometimes it doesn't feel good. (i don't actually have an infinitely stretchy stomach, wouldn't you know, so now i don't know what my superpower is.)
also, for once i'm jealous of your weather because we've got a high of 45 forecast tomorrow with rain and snow and the winds right now are terrifying. it's really cold. i don't know how this happened.
but dude, my summer basically starts in two weeks and among other wonderfully glorious things, i'm gonna come crash on your couch and bug you in person. yeah.
dude type in blogger next time it automatically saves.
I'm glad you posted that picture now I know what the right thing to do is!
Hi there. Long time reader, first time poster.
Just wanted to say i loved the picture.
scott, i thought you were gonna post on the gravy. why the hell would i offer you stanich burgers with a movie tickets signing bonus for posting on your own blog?
Only in Russia...
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