Friday, August 31, 2007

The bus is running
It's time to leave
Summer's gone
And so are we
-Counting Crows, "Miami"

And I know that I'm damned if I never get out
And maybe I'm damned if I do
But with every beat I got left in my heart
You know I'd rather be damned with you
-Meat Loaf, "Bat Out of Hell"

Looking on. she sings the songs
The words she knows, the tune she hums

-Elton John, "Tiny Dancer"

"I always tell the girls, never take it seriously. If you never take it seriously, you never get hurt. Never get hurt, you can always have fun. And if you ever get lonely, you just go to the record store and visit your friends."
-Penny Lane, Almost Famous

It's been a fun summer, and it sucks to think it'll be my last. Next summer I'll be in Boston and more in less in the groove of real life. The summer after that, I may (hopefully) be back, but by then we'll officially be grown-ups. No more school, only life as we make it. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait for all of it. This is going to be an amazing year now that we're finally striking out on our own, away from the dorms, and there are some really exciting projects already in the works. But small though the opportunities may be for a real career here in town, I still love this friggin' city. In the meantime, I'll be back at Christmas. I'll be back for a couple of weeks next summer. And in between and around it all, I love every single call, text, IM, e-mail (I won't have Internet for a few days, though), postcard, and letter (I'll get my address up somewhere) I get from somebody from the hometown. I don't really have a life anyway, gotta fill that time somehow.

Live well.


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