Monday, December 03, 2007

Back to the 5-Day Workweek

Well, it's probably for the best. I got intensely lazy this semester with how few days I actually had to show up, as my schedule made it extremely easy to just push through the pain and never really get any work done. But the problem with most five-day schedules here at Emerson is you then have class Monday, Wednesday, AND Friday, so on the whole you never really get any distance from that class. I, however, have solved that, with my retarded schedule for next semester...

Writing the Feature Film

2-4 The Ideological Eye: Documentary and the State

10-12 Writing the Feature Film
2-4 Intercultural Communication

2-4 The Ideological Eye: Documentary and the State
6-10 European Cinema: Sight and Sound

2-4 Intercultural Communication

I'm taking Writing the Feature Film! I've been trying to get in this class for over a year now, and I got the professor I wanted for it. I'm also majorly pumped for European Cinema, even if I only recognize half of the names of directors we'll be studying (having Godard on that list is a plus, but I'm hoping we'll have a chance to discuss Fellini, Bergman, and Antonioni...but I'll spare you). The problem with both of those classes, though, is timing. Sure I only have one class on Mondays, but I gotta wake up at 8 just to make it there. And with Megazine getting into full swing, having a 6-10 class on Thursdays cuts into prime screening time. At least I'll still be able to make the Tuesday and Wednesday screenings, which was impossible this semester.

The plus side of 6-10 classes, and the reason I think every film seminar class should be a four-hour class, is that we'll actually get to watch movies longer than an hour and forty minutes, never mind discuss them on the same day. I just wish they put four-hour classes in the middle of the day instead of the end. Well, for any other class I'd tell it to go shove it, but European cinema...too good to pass up. I'm a geek.

Less than cool is Intercultural Communication, though according the RateMyProfessors, the prof's a raging jackass, which I kind of enjoy in lecture classes (classes of 40 or more where personal participation is largely optional...I really need one of those every semester). I'm just not pumped for the course as a whole, and showing up to class on Fridays becomes extraordinarily painful, though it will make it easier to catch up on movies Friday afternoons (the main theater in Boston is across the street from campus, which ruled when I lived in the dorms, but I curse it now that I'm way off campus).

Meanwhile, I'll be trying for the next month and a half to get into American Film Comedy, which would mean losing Writing the Feature, but would also mean not having to go to class before noon. It would all be so perfect. But on the whole, I like the spread of the schedule, and not being on campus for ten hours twice a week again will be sweet.


At 12/11/2007 3:01 PM, Blogger b said...

"intensely lazy"

dude, don't you have a screenplay somewhere?


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