Tuesday, November 06, 2007

What Kind of Day Has it Been

I'm in the Quiet Room at Emerson College, my go-to when I need to buckle down and get some work done (turning out well so far, don't you agree?). Because I have a lot, an obscene amount, to get done for my 6:00 class, which means skipping my 2:00. I also have a meeting at 4:30 that's been slipping my mind.

So Sunday...after everything, I started to get my ducks in a row and figure out what I had to do for Monday. Then I remembered we had a big project for Radio Studies, the proposal for which was due last Wednesday. So that's my 4:30 meeting. Then I remembered I had a short story due Tuesday (today) for Creative Writing. Then I was pretty much screwed.

Writing comes fairly easy for me, and I like to think it turns out decently. But this Creative Writing class is one of the few classes I've taken that I've actually enjoyed, and the pressure to do something original is pretty strong. It's a workshop class, see, and I take criticism extraordinarily well if I'm relatively proud the draft in question. If it's just a pile, it's all I can do just to endure the comments, most of which I know before we start. So to spare myself that, I like to do good work. And, I'm not one to brag, but they actually liked my last story (this isn't a self-delusion thing, I got really good criticism too, but two people came up and personally told me it was good, and I got a classroom applause, which was a bit much), so there is some need to make this one good as well.

So basically I spent the entire day struggling to get something out. I couldn't do any of the reading for the class yet, lest I ruin the process, and I put off my work for my 6:00 class 'cause I had no idea the short story would take so frickin' long. But I got it done, it's not great, I wish I had more time on it, but I'm pretty satisfied.

Show up to class this morning, Prof passes around the schedule to remind people when their stories are due...mine's not due for another week. Of course.

I'm not terribly mad about it, but still, y'know...that was a solid 8 hours I was putting into the story in one form or another that could've been used in so many other ways.

Anyway. I just need to get through today (only another 7 hours, 40 minutes), and the rest of this week will be relatively simple. I think.

I need to get a planner...the time's come.


At 11/07/2007 6:03 PM, Blogger b said...

fight it man! planners steal your soul!


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