Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Hey, Look, Pictures!

So at first I didn't take pictures. Then I did but couldn't find the cable to connect my dock to the comp. Then I found out my printer cable will work. Now here they are.

This is Kitchen. To the left of Fridge you can see Living Room, and on the other side of the wall behind Stove is Bathroom. To the right of my POV on the right hand picture is My Room.

Here's Bathroom!

Here's My Room. Pretty proud of that shelf. And that closet. Super happy with that.

Okay, The Cardboard. So I don't have shades, and I'm super-sensitive to light when I sleep. I had these huge cardboard boxes. I don't think my parents will approve, but it'll probably result in them buying me shades. Boo-ya.

Living Room, Couch and TV (just ordered Widescreen, pictures to follow). Notice the proliferation of chips and syrup (do not combine). There's a lot of light which makes it hard to watch TV before 6 PM. To the right of the upper photo is Ben's Room.

Here's Ben's Room. It's clean and has windows.

Here's Gray's Room. He has cool posters 'cause he worked at a movie theater last summer.

And that's my apartment. Now you know the layout so you can find a way to infiltrate it and destroy us.


At 10/11/2007 1:00 AM, Blogger magda. said...

nice. your digs are most definitely classier than ours. you guys have a cat?

At 10/17/2007 3:20 PM, Blogger Chris Nye said...

you're dirty


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