Saturday, October 06, 2007

On A Carousel

Hey, shoulda mentioned in the last post, I need help with the Pop Playlist. I don't nearly have the new music covered as well as I should, and while I could probably still come up with a kickass mix, it wouldn't be nearly as inclusive. So if you have any suggestions you think of at any time, feel free to comment on this or any other post, text me, IM me, whatever. Even if it's just a group or artist that must be represented. What's the definition of Pop? Ultimately, that'll be for me to judge, but Wikipedia tried its damnedest and to some extent succeeded -

"Pop music (or 'pop') is a subgenre of contemporary popular music that typically has a dance-along rhythm or beat, simple melodies, and a repeating structure. Pop song lyrics are often emotional, commonly relating to love, loss, emotion, or dancing."

"Pop music generally uses a simple, memorable melody and emphasizes the rhythm, often with syncopation, and stripped down to a basic riff or loop which repeats throughout much of the song. Pop songs usually have a verse and a chorus, each with different musical material, well as a bridge connecting them in many cases."

The only thing I would edit there is that it doesn't have to be contemporary or popular, necessarily. I bought a CD over the summer by a group called The Rubinoos, who performed one of my new favorite pop songs, "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend," and no one's heard of them (because they're otherwise mostly mediocre...still, fun group and fantastic song). But the rest you can take to heart. And if you don't contribute, you have less room to argue the results, so there's more incentive.

This will take some time.

Onto other subjects...being sick blows. I know I'm not saying anything everyone has said ever. But really, it does. I wanted to go the movies (the picture show, if you will) tonight, but my left ear is totally congested (can ears be congested? they're plugged, at any rate), never mind I'm blowing my nose several times an hour. Maybe tomorrow.

My parents are coming next weekend to see just how on Earth we three bums are getting by. Chaos will almost surely ensue.

Holy crap I never posted this (this is two hours later). Well done, ME.


At 10/07/2007 4:01 PM, Blogger magda. said...

there's a pretty good, comprehensive list of "great" pop songs up on this website (although how nsync's bye bye bye made it so high up is beyond me)... and there are 100 of 'em, so you can pick an' choose!

also, i'm pretty sure you're gonna need some daft punk somewhere in there.

At 10/07/2007 4:06 PM, Blogger magda. said...

oh and also some cat stevens, because he's kind of a classic, and another also, you should consider tom petty's learning to fly just cuz i really like it a lot. still not sure exactly what is classified as pop music.

At 10/07/2007 4:07 PM, Blogger magda. said...

also also i think we're gonna be banned from ben's future record store.

At 10/08/2007 2:25 AM, Blogger Scott Nye said...

I had actually already seen that list, and applauded them for having the balls to put the Backstreet Boys in the top 10. Petty will be on the list, though right now I'm sticking with "American Girl." Might end up with "Mary Jane's Last Dance" though.

If Ben bans people who like pop, I don't want any further part of such a store, for such a store would be a sad, soulless place.

As for definitions, you can just feel it. If you can't, suggest it, and I'll shut you down.

At 10/08/2007 3:05 AM, Blogger b said...


Slander, Magdalena!

I would like to suggest Shakira. Her ENTIRE discography. That is all.

post script

rock>pop>everything else ever I'm talking Disneyland on ecstasy

At 10/09/2007 2:14 PM, Blogger Chris Nye said...

i feel like "pop" music has to be popular. Not necessarily contemporary, but it seems to make sense that the word "pop" just came from "popular." It should have probably been somewhat successful at one time or another. However, with the internet and all those kids on myspace, I don't think that we can deem what is popular and what is not. So whatever!!


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