Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Chuck a 'Nade!

Halo 3 comes out today. I will be almost completely inaccessible for the next week or so in a bit of a media frenzy. I mean...I gotta go to class and all. But for those other times...it's all Halo 3 with sporadic breaks of whatever's next on the Netflix queue (Band of Outsiders and The Rules of the Game for this week). I'm sure sooner or later my eyes will want to die. I also just realized I scheduled a social event before my 6:00 class tomorrow...why?

Anyway, so that's all I got. Jessica Biel is HEAVILY rumored to play Wonder Woman in the Justice League movie. Some people will proclaim it as fact (some already are). It's not. Yet. I was just looking at her filmography and I realized it's kind of amazing she's as famous as she is. I know she's got the 7th Heaven and the hey-hey and the so forth, but like, what the hell do I know about 7th Heaven? I know I'm a white Christian-raised boy, and I know OF the show, but that's not even where I first knew about her from. I think it was mostly from Stealth, known to me as Ray 2. Anyway, she's not the worst choice in the world and at least she can handle the physical requirements (athletic-wise...also she's hot).

Also, anyone who tells you (as EVERYONE has insisted to me) that they're getting Christian Bale to play Batman in the Justice League movie is wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Bale doesn't want to do it, and it's starting to look like WB doesn't even want him (that's probably just cover though).

I swear to Christ I'll talk about something somebody actually cares about next time (assuming my next post doesn't end up being the Wes Anderson essay...in the next month or so all this movie stuff is going to get filtered somewhere else, so you'll be able to visit this blog with confidence). I only intended to come on and talk about Halo 3 and get the hell out. That failed.


At 9/25/2007 7:33 PM, Blogger b said...

All I know is, I won't be able to play Halo 3 until XMas break, and I will still destroy you.

and dude, she was in "I'll Be Home For Christmas" the film which defines Instant Holiday Classic

word verification: tipzp like how a drunk person might try to say tipsy


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