Thursday, October 04, 2007

I Should Have Known Better

Reading stories in Creative Writing can be really, really painful. Especially since the prof is banning us from genre fiction (the only kind I can hobble my way through) and trying to get us write about our feelings and stuff. It's not that I don't care...who am I kidding, I don't. Also, college kids (most people, for that matter) are really, really bad at writing genuinely soulful stuff. And believe you me, it's gonna be trouble when it's my turn at bat.

30 Rock season premiere Thursday at 8:30 on NBC. Funniest show on TV, I swear to God. I rewatched the first season in like five days as soon as it hit DVD. Cannot recommend it highly enough. I wrote a whole essay on why it's better than Studio 60 (sorry about that one), but it got overly-hateful...I really did enjoy Studio 60 more than I remember. Except the last four episodes. I disliked them exactly as much as I remember.

Pop music is the best kind of music there is. I love rock n' roll with a passion deep within me, but nothing tops great pop music. I'm creating a playlist of the best pop music ever. It's daunting, but really fun to listen to.

I cannot wait for tomorrow (Thursday) to be over. I'm supposed to go to this Office party (a party in which people watch The Office), but I don't think I'm gonna be able to stand up at that point. I should probably go to bed (it is, however, that hour in which, if I fall asleep now, I'll wake up more tired than if I put it off a half hour). I have absolutely nothing to do tomorrow (Thursday) besides go to class, so that's awesome. Bringing along The Rules of the Game, but will probably be too sleepy and be forced to write a bunch of nonsense to keep myself awake. I do have an article due Friday night now though, which is so lame I wanna spit.

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford is, for me, as of this moment, the best film of 2007 so far. I thought it'd take There Will Be Blood, or at least No Country for Old Men to knock Zodiac out of the position it held all year, but Jesse James really is that amazing (those two films actually have a lot in common...besides just being ridiculously great). Full review coming very, very soon.

I've mentioned before to some people my love for dirty limericks. What I probably neglected to mention was my love for Irish toasts.

May neighbors respect you,
Trouble neglect you,
The angels protect you,
And heaven accept you.


At 10/05/2007 11:57 PM, Blogger magda. said...

when you're done, i would totally love a copy of that playlist.

At 10/06/2007 12:07 AM, Blogger b said...

No Pop Rocks!


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