Saturday, April 08, 2006

I Will Say This for Having a Load of Essays

At a certain point, you hit nirvana. The other night (Thursday), I sat down at around 7, watched Jaws (fantastic film), and got to work on my blockbuster essay. I was completely comfortable with the fact that I would probably be up all night as I had only completed 775 of the 2000 necessary words, and had done almost no research except for the two-hour documentary in the Star Wars DVD set. Given this, why not just make a trip to the South Street Diner (probably the only 24-hour place for the under-21 crowd in Boston) at around 11 when only half the essay is done? Sounds good! Stay there 'til 12:30, get back at 1? Totally! Hang out with folk 'til 2? Party on! "Hey Scott, wanna look over my essay in exchange for sexual favors?"* Do I ever!

So the whole thing took 'til 6 AM, at which point I laid down in bed and noticed the sun was rising. Good times. Seriously though, ammending my previous post, college is also about blowing off work to go hang with some folk. Just get the work done eventually and be comfortable with the fact that your ass ain't sleeping, even if your weekend has technically begun.

Tonight's the legendary(?) Beacon Street Prom, which they told us about at the beginning of the year and is one of many signposts that makes me think "shit, this year went by fast." But between the desert bar and a 90s-music-lovin-man spinning the discs, should be a good time. And we're hitting a small Italian restaurant beforehand, so more on that later.

Of course, the goal from high school has carried over and I will use any power I can muster to get "Come Sail Away" played (I have allies). Wish me luck.

*No sexual favors were ever performed in exchange for essay help


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