Sunday, April 02, 2006


Click the title. If you're going to be in Portland on Saturday, April 8th, I can't recommend enough that you attend. Believe you me, if I was in town, I'd be there. Not fighting mind you...observing.

Anyway, how the hell is it Sunday? I swear to God, time is finicky bastard. I have this payment plan, 'cause all the money I spent this year I either earned or collected through graduation gifts last summer, so I have this plan where I can only take out so much so often, and I grabbed my bi-weekly load (which DOES mean every other week, not twice a week) a couple days early, and I swear like half of it is spent already. And it's like the second. Oh well. Another month and hopefully I'll be in some sort of earning capacity. But anyway, so that time's going insanely slow, but damn wasn't it spring break like eight hours ago? (for the record, it's been three weeks). And we get out in a month? What the hell?

Hey, the weather's holding out here. Sixty-two right now, and that was like a six-degree jump in just over an hour. Yeah!

Apparently Playfest plays are announced tomorrow. I can only pray someone'll be kind enough to fill me in when the time comes. Because much as I loved tech and Coffee House and whatever the hell else I did in high school, Playfest conquers all, and I'd like to hear who's getting the kickass experience of watching their plays put on. And then to hear who's directing who, 'cause I think we all know that every year there's that one combination of director and writer that you're just like "man...well, good luck i guess!" Not that they're bad people either one of them, just often that they're...clashing personalities shall we say.

It's official...DiGornio's Pizza is way better cooked on a cookie sheet. Filled me up but good last night.


At 4/05/2006 1:35 PM, Blogger Cynda said...

Scott I swear if I wasn't moving into my apartment then I would sooo go...wait a minute no I probably wouldn't. What is it with guys and fighting? We girls need to straighten you guys out!


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