Wednesday, March 22, 2006

South Park and Jury Duty

Well, South Park was, as predicted, completely fantastic. I don't think anyone who didn't know the backstory would've found anything good about it, but for those who did...glory.

Emerson Ben got a 27" TV after his old 20" model broke. Emerson Ben, I commend thee, 'tis a fine telly.

Uh...I had something to say earlier today...well, I did get definitely called for Jurty Duty, so I'm bringing my notepad with me to cover any hilarity that may ensue (it'll probably be pretty boring), and I'll post all about it tomorrow. But as a preemptive measure, I read up on tips for getting out of it once you get there, and am bringing alone Nicholas Pillegi's book Wiseguy, which was what they based the movie Goodfellas on. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

And that's what I got. Oh, and my group got denied for suite selection. Any illusions I had about anything resembling a high life went with it.


At 3/24/2006 2:08 PM, Blogger benjamin said...

I can't believe I'm known as "Emerson" Ben. You can do better. How bout i call you emerson scott? or frisky?


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