Sunday, March 12, 2006

And then they come back

Have to get up in about five hours for my 9 AM flight (the Nye family is notoriously for needing to get to the airport long before anyone else), I'm tired as hell and that burger I ate at the Mexican restaurant last night is still talking back to me (NOT a good idea), but dammit if that wasn't a good day.

'Cause after all, the problem with Spring Break is that hardly any of the old crowd was around. But I spent the day with Ben and Rachel, and damn if it wasn't home again.

And even the cast party at Beth's turned out awesome. Cast parties when you're not a member of the show are always a little weird, even moreso after you've graduated. But a good time, gotta say, greatly helped by the presence of other grads (almost said "other seniors"...I suppose in some way, we'll always be that).

Still, looking forward to getting back to Beacon St. (albeit at around 11 PM...damn you time zones!), and the old crowd there. What I'm NOT looking forward to is the massive amount of homework I inexplicably did not do.


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