Saturday, March 04, 2006


So, back in Portland. It's weird, I'll tell you that much. But it's fun. Went to 42nd Street, and afterward like every two seconds I'd just hear "Scott Nye!" and get attacked with a hug. Best was when I was heading over to say hey to Beth, look to my left and Sam Wasson is probably a foot away, staring right at me. That sounds more creepy than awesome, but it was. Awesome, that is.

Things I'm looking forward to with this break...

Oscar Party, because I've always watched the Oscars with the family and never with people who are really into movies.

Watching movies...I have to catch three in theaters, and I have a monster list of DVDs I'll NEVER get through but will try anyway.

Phone convos with the Boston folk. Seriously.

iPod shuffle with Katie?

Seeing 42nd Street again, but with Rachel and Ben.

Saturday, March 11th with Rachel and will be epic.

Walking around Portland...I walked a lot before going to Boston, but now I swear I'm invincible.


At 3/04/2006 11:16 PM, Blogger b said...

Yeah, I'm excited, though I gotta go to a funeral at the beach during the day, so...

Saturday Night and Scott Nye have the same initials for a reason.


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