Monday, February 20, 2006

Portland Visitation

Like how I followed up my "Post-A-Day Man" post with no Saturday post and barely a Sunday post? Yeah, me too. Chris and his friend Stu have been in town, it's been a blast. Massive amounts of XBox, Seinfeld, Arrested Development (Season 2 is fantastic), action flicks, and Newbury Comics. So basically what I do on weekends anyway, only this time with company, which is nice.

Right now they're playing some college hoops and we're getting Maggiano's (the best damn Italian restaurant) in about twenty minutes.

Saw "Firewall" last night. Review at The Gravy shortly (first flick of '06).

Wish I had more to say. I'm pretty tired, 'cause I usually do nothing on the weekends and I've been insanely busy the last few days. But at least it's only a three-day week. And in a week and a half it's Spring Break. That's just weird. Yet awesome. At first I was really mad I barely have Spring Break with anyone, but now I realize how relaxing it'll be. That said though, those who around the 2nd-12th, phone away, I'd love to hang. It'll just be nice to really take a week, watch some good flicks and go for some drives. Hopefully it'll be a little warm in Portland.


At 2/20/2006 9:49 PM, Blogger Nancy said...

yay spring break! I can't wait! Even though you're the only person I know who has the same break as me, I will not be seeing you, sorry. I also keep thinking that Boston is really close to Philadelphia, like I could just hop on a train and go to Boston, but alas it is not.

life just sucks in general doesn't it?


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