Friday, February 10, 2006

Arrested Development

Is a damn good show. If you missed the series finale tonight (read: if you have a life), you missed some of the finest damn television around. With any luck, Showtime'll be picking it up.

Speaking of good shows, The Seinfeld Blog has finally launched. So far not a lot, but come now.

Well, the cry for the "Murder in Hollywood" script worked...John Burke pulled through in the end, as he always does. I'm interested in making a movie of it this summer, but it needs some decent reworking (writers are never happy). At any rate, it'll give me something to work on in my spare time (homework doesn't count).

What else...I say that a lot in my posts...three girls decided to try to get me laid, so long as it's not by one of them, and began outlining dream girl traits, before scrapping the project twenty minutes later in favor of ice cream, finding out what happens when you combine water, meat, banana, and pastries, and a conversation two tables over. How the mighty have fallen.

Finally shooting some pool tomorrow night. Nice.

"Clockwork Orange" tomorrow (Saturday) with Cam. Before pool, that is. I haven't been to a movie theater in three weeks, which is actually a LONG time for me, and I think I've suffered withdrawal as a result. But that could also be because I'm cutting back on soda (one a day, if you can believe it).

Go find yourself KISS's "God Gave Rock n' Roll" to you. I had it in my profile for roughly a day, and honestly I love it. Honestly.


At 2/13/2006 4:43 PM, Blogger magda. said...

So what does happen when you combine water, meat, banana, and pastries?


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