Monday, February 13, 2006

College is so hard

Class-wise, this is shaping up to be a damn fine week. First, we got outta Concept Development an hour early today because not even the prof wanted to be there. Then Research Writing gets cancelled for tomorrow. Hoo-rah. Yeah, that'll REALLY bite me in the ass on Thursday when that class meets again, but for now, I'll keep on rockin' in the free world.

The more I think about it, the more I REALLY want to get "Murder in Hollywood" made into a flick. I've been trying to absorb as much crime/pulp stuff as I can to shamelessly ape from ('cause let's face it, that's pretty much what the play was), and Spring Break will pretty much be spent working on the script and playing with my video camera to see if some of the style I have in mind for it will work, and if I can actually transfer the stuff to Chester (my Mac) for editing, an impossible task on the PC back home. More to follow.

This is all when I'm not in the middle of Halo 2 (Heroic, a word I simply cannot pronounce for the love of me).

Oh, and boom mics for personal video cameras? I remember them existing, but I've made things up before.

Valentine's Day is tomorrow, and for another year I have no cause to mention it. My mom sent me a card with some cash in it though, so y'know...not too shabby.

Criterion (a continuing series of important classic and contemporary films), a company most of you folks'll be familiar with because they put out the awesome "Life Aquatic" DVD, is putting out an edition of "Dazed and Confused," which is a fantastic flick, pretty much "American Graffiti" for the 70s. Believe it or not, that brings the number of Criterion DVDs featuring Ben Affleck to three (the other two are "Chasing Amy" and "Armagheddon"...yes, "Armagheddon" is in the Criterion Collection). Boo ya.


At 2/14/2006 11:18 PM, Blogger John said...

Depends on the camera, I recall yours taking a standard line in, which should be able to be connected to a standard mic mounted on a boom. That's just my (sometimes faulty) reccolection, though.



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