Friday, February 17, 2006

Post-A-Day Man

That's just who I am. I usually have enough time and enough that I think is worthy to talk about to post something every day. I might be wrong, but dammit I'll go down in a hail of gunfire.

Incidentally, Sean Roney (name drop!) and I once did the Top 5 ways to die, and although we never fully rendered it, our number 1 was beyond all question sneaking in solo to an enemy camp and rescuing dozens of prisoners of war before being shot down as you hold the enemy back, allowing your allies to escape. Yeah, TRY to think of a better one. And don't say "having sex," because there's nothing that shows how bad you are at sex as dying during it.

Speaking of sex, I went to the show my friend Vanessa stage managed, and even though they went through the most impossible of circumstances tonight alone (you think "Music Man" was rough?), the show rocked. Oh, and it's speaking of sex 'cause that's pretty much what the show's about. Well, it's more complicated than that, but at one point a nurse stripped down to her red bra and panties and pretty much climbed all over this dude in a wheelchair and lemme tell you I don't know WHAT they sang about during that scene. Best comment of the night from Heather - "Well, at least he's gay." Priceless.

Second season of "Arrested Development" came today, adding onto the three-letters-in-the-mailbox awesomeness of the day. Unfortunately, I told my brother I'd wait to start it 'til he came (Saturday!). Damn you Amazon and your fast shipping.

I'm seeing the new Harrison Ford flick, "Firewall" with Chris and Stu sometime this weekend. Expect a review of how a 60-year-old man can kick all our asses at the same time. Much as I'm all about the Chuck Norris love, Harrison Ford is way cooler.

I need food, pronto...a bad craving at 1:30 in the morning, when your only recourse is chips and water. But the Wendy's I had at like 10 did not satisfy because Wendy's here is awful. The food's never warm. Ever. But they had a damn good Coca-Cola this evening.

All right, it's chips and water time, then some writing of the creative vein.

P.S. Clicking on tonight's title will take you to five pictures from "Snakes on a Plane," which in addition to the proposed "Afrosamurai" (I'm not even kidding) will return Samuel L. Jackson to his rightful place as the king of cool that "The Man," "Coach Carter," and "Freedomland" tried so hard to destroy. And yes, the only reason anyone cares is because of the title. It's SNAKES ON A PLANE. If you can't love that, I don't know what to do with you anymore.


At 2/18/2006 11:35 PM, Blogger magda. said...

I like your daily posts.


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