Monday, February 27, 2006


Apparently the two Facebooks (high school and college) have merged to form a more perfect union. Oh, the surprises that await you. So not only was there a friend request from Allison Francis (name drop!), but a message to tell me how this could possibly be, and an invitation to some Emerson Jewish thing (incidentally unrelated to the merger).

Well that's weird. Anyway, back to trying to find an article for my discussion tomorrow, then off to History of Media Arts, which I'll be able to take the shuttle to with any luck, as has it feeling like 0 degrees outside and I am still very much sick (although, thanks to the magic of massage, my back feels much better...I was a broken man yesterday).

Funny how we live by the "feels like" nowadays. In Portland, it MIGHT feel a couple degrees colder than it really was, but not that big a difference. Now, where most of us go to college, you could catch your death out there if you don't check what it feels like.


At 2/27/2006 11:12 PM, Blogger b said...

I should have put my foot down at Roney. I maintain that name-dropping should not be referred to as such when it is in reference to someone younger, and (I say this only out of deference to your God-like coolness, not to insult either of those fine young high-schoolers) less cool. Name-dropping is times when you're like "So I was totally drinking coffee with Cameron Jewell yesterday..." or things like that. So yeah, name-drop me all you want.

At 2/28/2006 5:09 AM, Blogger magda. said...

I could go for a massage.


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