Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Wrapping Up Before Spring Break

Well, my last class of the day just let out, which means A) I just kicked my Media Arts midterm's ass, and B) I am now officially on Spring Break. Okay, technically I have to go to the Boston Symphony Orchestra tonight for my Listening to Music class, but I really don't consider hearing one of the best orchestras in the world playing Beethoven's 9th to be work (yes, I am bragging).

And my mailbox is (sadly) empty, which means any mail you've sent won't reach me until I'm long gone (or at least waiting at the airport to be long gone), thus will not be answered until I get back next Sunday (March 12th). If no one's written me recently, I feel like a fool for saying that, but send it anyway, at least you won't have to think about it later and I'll still get it when I'm back.

Geeking out about music is both fun and a worthy diversion from work and sleep.

I am unbearably excited about 42nd Street. Really, I am. We watched a scene from "Chicago" (Cell Block Tango, if you must know) in Concept Development today, which got me all kinds of jazzed (pun kinda intended, actually) about musicals. Friday through Sunday are gonna be crazy-busy between seeing the show, hitting the cast parties (word), and watching a crapload of Robert Altman flicks and "Hustle and Flow" before the Oscars on Sunday. Then I'll pretty much do nothing until Rachel and Ben get to town. Hurray! Actually, that's lies...I started Halo 2 on Legendary (which is pretty much as crazy-hard as I'd feared), and I need to put some serious mileage in walking around Portland. Just try to stop me, RAIN.

And traveling alone...honestly, I love it. I love flying alone. I love walking around the airport killing time in layover. I really, really enjoy it. I just hope the iPod doesn't run out of batteries, which it got WAY too close to last time.

P.S. I just listened to the CD my brother and Brittany Newell put out, and honestly it's really, really fantastic work. And I'm more critical of the boy than anyone. It's got soul without being angsty, and they harmonize beautifully. If you can get ahold of it, do so. I think the whole thing's on their MySpace (and that's the last time I'll EVER link to MySpace!).

P.P.S. I accidentally added that P.S. after Katie responded. Katie, my apologies.

P.P.P.S. I really screwed up shaving today, so I just shaved it all off. So my face is bald for the time being, save the the stubble that cannot be removed electronically, and there's no way I'm going the shaving cream route just yet.


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