Saturday, March 18, 2006

Just when you think it's over...

So I'm sitting in the library right 'round 9:00 Wednesday night, just finishing up some work after THREE HOURS, and telling myself, "All right, tomorrow's Thursday, then you're free...take some time to relax" (I doubt I'm alone in feeling that a week off prior to saying this has no bearing on that problem). BUT of course, I have an assload of work this weekend, not the least of which is a 5-page draft of an eventual 12-page research paper that I have yet to research a bit on.

And instead I watched A History of Violence last night (still an amazing movie). Oh, and Ken, to recommend two DVDs to buy out of ANY you could buy is a tough proposition...that said, A History of Violence and Good Night, and Good Luck are damn fine pictures.

Hey, Katie Bieze was in town...that was fun. Especially when I was trying to figure out which way the restaurant was (as Ellie decided to lead me out to the FAR outskirts of the greater Boston area), only to discover Ellie and Katie were right in front of me, and upon discovering me they both flipped out. Not in the happy-to-see-me way just yet, more in the "WHERE THE HELL DID HE JUST COME FROM?" kind of way.

The Thank You For Smoking review is up at the Gravy, but yeah right you checked here before that. V For Vendetta should be up soon enough, as I'm taking off to see it in (checks watch) a half an hour.

Y'know what's fun? The process of staying friends with a girl you knew because one of your friends was with her. Though take my word, it can be accomplished.

Yesterday was St. Patty's Day, which I joyfully spent sober, but I hear it was practically a parade of drunkards outside. Oh, Boston, how you continue to deliver the stereotypes. I was pretty holed up for the night, but if you have a cool story, please share.


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