Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Rachel, I...I have to question the wisdom behind publicly admitting there are strange women in your room at late hours of the night. That said, I hope your roommate didn't...fall into Lake Michigan or something. Losing those posters would be too great a tragedy.

It's...*checks*...53 degrees out, but given relative temperature it's been over the past few weeks, I'm taking it to mean like 73, and am changing into shorts. And sandals, the greatest piece of footwear ever conceived. Sure, they have no practical use when it's raining or snowing or any sort of weather conditions below a certain temperature, but they're damn comfortable and it's the closest I'll get to going outside barefoot without fear of stepping on a needle or something.

Which, actually, was my mom's major concern in taking us (that's me and Chris) to Laguna Beach when we were younger (contrary to what they may tell you on the WB or whatever the hell network aired that show, Laguna Beach was filthy...and the place where a seagull stole my tuna sandwhich, proving you can't trust anybody in this world). But of course at the time, we don't know what the hell needles are doing on the beach. Was someone sewing? And how does that make them dangerous? At any rate, I guess I figured they'd just slice my foot open, and have done my best to avoid needles ever since.

Don't do drugs, kids.

The consequence of taking last night to just hang with Sam and folk is that I have an insane amount of homework tonight, not the least of which of three exams in Listening to Music. Seriously, it's the only damn work we do in that class so I might as well succeed. But South Park is on at 10, and all I know is it has something to do with hybrid cars, so that should be vastly entertaining. Hopefully I'll catch it tonight, but if not, repeats are a very, very good thing.

Speaking of South Park, last week's glorious episode is on iTunes, and despite it having no lasting value beyond like...four months or so, I bought it. It's a slice of history I figure.


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