Friday, November 24, 2006

Updated Remotely From Somewhere Just Outside of Washington, DC

Have you seen The Fountain yet? 'Cause I can't wait to go back into it.

Right now I'm at the Pitman estate in some town I can't even remember the name of, but it's about 45 minutes outside of DC. So that's cool. The train ride was excessively long (8 hours doesn't really seem too bad until you actually do it), and I'm really not looking forward to doing it all again on Sunday, but it's been worth it I'd say. I think I might win for Best Thanksgiving Moment of the Year when, at around 9 in the evening, one of the guests yelled out, reaching into the closest, "Lacie, I tell you, it wouldn't quite be Thanksgiving if I didn't have to replace your toilet paper!"

Crap...forgot to send everyone's letters. I suck.

I also didn't make it to the nude play Tuesday night. A buncha things were being sorted out to get outta Boston the next morning, and it didn't work with all the scheduling. My roommate went though, and said it sucked but that one of the girls was hot. Okay.

Well, dinner's just about ready. Adios.


At 11/24/2006 9:28 PM, Blogger Miguel said...

Dude! I'll be back in DC tomorrow. If there's any way to arrange a meeting in the late afternoon, that would be magical. If not, safe travels back up to Boston and I'll see you in December.


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