Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Not Gonna Lie...

I'm having a pretty frickin' sweet day. First, totally nailed the speech. Just cleaned house with it. Then I changed my major to something I didn't even know existed, which is Media Studies. It's basically studying movies and TV and pop culture like you do with literature. I know, right? The idea is by the end of school I can get a job writing about all that crap. Which is pretty much my dream job because I do all that for free right here anyway. There'll surely be a shitload of work involved, but I've been in college almost three semesters, and this is the first time I've actually been excited about the classes I have ahead of me.

Oh, and it's the first suit day of the '06/'07 schoolyear. I tell you, these suit days...they have a power beyond any you could possibly imagine. That's why they're so rare...wield this power too much and you'll only become corrupted by its might.

EDIT: Also forgot to mention that I finally connected with the guy who works the grill at the Diner, and got a fantastic hamburger and fresh fries...and that guy never gets me fresh fries.

2nd EDIT: Holy crap...I'm going to see The Fountain tomorrow. This day just went over the top into tomorrow. It does mean I can't see Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny, but compared to The Fountain, not a sacrifice at all.


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