Tuesday, November 07, 2006

So THAT'S Where My Tuition Money Goes!

This from an e-mail from David Rosen, Director of Housing and Residence Life at Emerson College:

As some of you are aware, we have encountered a few blockages this semester that have led to toilets and sinks backing up into student suites. Facilities Management has located specific clogs utilizing a specially designed camera and discovered that products other than toilet paper have been flushed down residence hall toilets causing clogs to form in the pipes.

I suppose no one's always comfortable with how their tuition money is spent, but now I know that mine literally goes down the toilet...WHO EVEN MAKES A CAMERA THAT GOES DOWN A TOILET? It doesn't make any SENSE! Of course, this does explain the guy down the hall last night who yelled "You don't wanna go in there, there's so much poop," but I don't need a camera to tell you toilets are almost never clogged to the point of spilling over from mere fecal matter, or that, when bored, kids in their late teens and early 20s have been known to kill time by finding out just how much (insert any object that can be found in a dorm) you can flush before you run into trouble.


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