Monday, October 30, 2006

Holy Hell Do I Hate Halloween

I'm currently having my thirst greatly quenched by Sprite. I wanted Sierra Mist, but sometimes 7-11 being out of your favorite drink can be a blessing in disguise. I don't drink Sprite enough, which is strange because (believe it or not) it was once my favorite soda. Yeah, of all things. I think it was because Grant Hill endorsed it and I was obsessed with Grant Hill circa about third grade (I bought his shoes and everything...those were some pretty f-ing sweet shoes).

For the first time in my life I forgot it was daylight savings. I knew it was happening, and I was prepared, but it got to be 3:00 today (or 4, according to my watch), and I finally found out thanks to my computer. Luckily the cell phone switches all by itself so I woke up in time for brunch...without even knowing it.

I've been reading Live From New York (when I'm not reading The Cider House Rules, which is on hold until my Thanksgiving train ride, or 102 Minutes). It's the complete history of Saturday Night Live that's told almost entirely by the cast, producers, and writers of the show, and beyond being a freaking terrific book (if you have any interest in the show or in television in general I HIGHLY recommend it), it's also really obvious they got a lot of the ideas of storylines and themes for Studio 60 right from it. There's not really a point to this story, I just thought it was interesting...

Speaking of Studio 60, it's not on this week, so you're off the hook. They're giving it a rest and testing out Friday Night Lights in its place. This is fueling the rumors that Studio 60's due to be cancelled, but there's no factual basis to back it up.

And speaking of SNL, last night's was funny enough (it's getting back on track, I can feel it) that I pulled up last year's Jack Black episode that includes "Lazy Sunday" (a.k.a. the Chronicles of Narnia rap), and it's been stuck in my head all day. Including right now.

Blogger's screwing with me, so I saw none of the comments of the last post until today, leading me to believe I've been missing out a lot of other comments too, but thanks to those who commented, it meant a lot.


At 10/30/2006 3:45 PM, Blogger imac said...

I had a random teacher walk in during my physics test today because he had no idea that daylight savings time had occurred.

Live From New York is an awesome book.

At 10/31/2006 12:06 AM, Blogger imac said...

By the way, NBC just ordered three more scripts for studio 60. So it should be around for at least a little bit longer.


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