Monday, October 16, 2006

7 Minutes Left

There's probably nothing that upsets me more than people who stop walking in the middle of a crowded walkway, be it a street or a hallway or anywhere when I am right behind them. But a close second is misjudging my laundry time. Because you figure, hey, I'm 20 years old, I should be able to generally tell time and figure out when my laundry will be finished based on when I started it. But you're never right, you know? Usually it's four minutes or so, but tonight it was a full seven. Now, I'll knock some points off because I was on the phone when I started it, but essentially it is an issue wherein I am completely unable to tell time and cannot, to any great extent, figure out addition and subtraction. I'm still basically a child.

Well that took up like...four minutes. Tomorrow I'm seeing Fast Food Nation a full month early, and the director (Richard Linklater, one of my all-time faces) will be there. I know I already mentioned this a mere two posts ago and it's sort of an ass thing to bring it up again, but I'm low on topics here. I'll do a review and we can call it the only advance review the Gravy has ever run, which should give us some street cred. Problem is everytime I say I'm gonna do a review, I never do, but this time I mean it! Don't I?

Hey, laundry's ready! I hope...otherwise my time-telling skills are in really are in the crapper.

EDIT: Laundry was done, but unfortunately I left some piece of paper in one of my pockets, so tiny shreds of wet paper were all over my clothes. I just hope it wasn't important like that one time it ended up being my paycheck.

SECOND EDIT: How many people think the name "crapper" really did come from the inventor of the flush toilet, Thomas Crapper? And if so, is his name where we get the word "crap" from?

THIRD EDIT: A quick wikipedia check proved all the information in the second edit to be false.


At 10/16/2006 11:33 AM, Blogger benjamin said...

man, and those machines lie. they say 5 minutes, but you know it's not just 5 minutes. you KNOW that's true too. i wrestled with that fuckin' concept all last year...

At 10/17/2006 12:03 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

"The noun "crap" was in use long before he was born."

That sucks. I'd totally change my name if I'd been him.


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