Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Day Has Come

I finished a book. Yeah. What now? Stardust by Neil Gaiman. Yeah. What up? Now I'm reading another one. The Cider House Rules. Who knows what sort of vast knowledge I'll acquire and wield, and to what end? As a note, how much cooler would the title be if it was The Cider House RULES! It'd probably be about a frat though.

"Dude, did you hit up the party at the Cider House?"

"Yeah, it RULED!"

I'd read it.

The time has also come for my computer to break completely. It looks like there'll be nothing to stop it this time, so I'm sending Chester in. Who knows when I'll get it back. This post comes to you courtesy of Emerson Campus Computers, which are slow as crap and took me about twelve minutes just to log onto the network to type this. So no AIM for awhile, a little Facebook here and there, and I'll keep on top of the e-mail as I can. Who knows how often I'll post here, either, especially if it takes me twelve minutes to log in. But patience is a virtue, and stay tune, and I'll be back for sure.


At 10/02/2006 2:48 AM, Blogger b said...

hey man, I'm just about to finish cider house rules. I think you'll like it. sorry about chester. that's what you get for buying refurbished stuff I guess. what the hell do i know.

At 10/02/2006 6:20 PM, Blogger Miguel said...

I always wanted to read CHR. And I had the same reaction, how it should be RULES! as opposed to its actual name.

I hope Chester makes a speedy recovery, man...having to rely on the school computers can suck. I have to do it every time I print psychology articles, because they're so bloody long.

dude, the text below your blog's title...don't you mean "peddle"?

At 10/02/2006 9:25 PM, Blogger b said...

I don't think you'd like it mikey. but again, what the hell do i know

but i agree with the peddle thing. i didn't think that was right. plus scott, i think the things that do that are automated so your warning doesn't really do anything.


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