Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Time's Moving a LI-ttle Slowly

It's only Tuesday and it feels like I've been here for at least a week. The good news is it's been pretty much a ball. Class schedule's been predictably easy, if a bit strange (on Monday I got up, ate lunch, went to class for four hours, then went to dinner...tomorrow I'm trying waking up earlier and maybe actually having a day). And the classes themselves seem pretty cool so far. Except, oddly enough, for Natural Disasters. The course'll be cool enough, but the teacher's a little stiff and...well, there's a lot of work. And I'm quite lazy.

So I'm hooked on LOST, which I swore wouldn't happen, courtesy of my buddy Mike willing to plop down the money for Season 2. Just add another show to the increasing list of stuff I'll be watching this fall (STUDIO 60 premieres on Monday at 10 on NBC!).

Getting a new and different box everyday either in the mail or (in today's case) from storage. It's nice to be slowly getting my stuff back (more than a little weird not having my movies beside me), but the room's becoming a mess. At least now I have cable. Tomorrow...we find out if TiVo will work in the dorms.

So the day finally came when they released the original 1977 version of Star Wars on DVD. Besides the fact that it pretty much is my childhood, it's one of my favorite movies of all time, and I can't wait to watch it as I never really have (closest comparison was the old VHS tapes that still sit in my basement, but those weren't in widescreen...I once even considered investing in a Laserdisc player just to see the originals in widescreen).


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