Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Chester's Back

Annnnnd that's about it. It was a very strange process, but I took it to these guys on Monday, and got it back today (Wednesday), and it was all under warranty, so I'm a happy man. Runs like a dream, but reinstalling all my software was ass. Good news is iTunes 7 works wonderfully, although I gotta recreate all my playlists and I lost a little bit of music that wasn't backed up (David Bowie, you'll be missed, but I can't express how glad I was that I backed up the stuff I did, because iPod Rip was total crap).

Anyone watch Veronica Mars last night? One of the new characters is from Beaverton. Major props. Docked points, though, for categorizing it as a place where everyone knows everyone's name and you can leave your car unlocked and feel safe. "A chicken in every pot"? I think not. But other than that, it was a pretty fantastic start to the season. I clearly missed a lot by not watching the second season, but it's pretty easy to pick up on. Once again, can't recommend it highly enough. Unless it's between that and Studio 60.

LOST premiered tonight, and as much as I enjoyed it, the show is suffering in my opinion because I now expect anything to be possible. There are surprises, but none are terribly shocking. They could all end up being werewolves and it'd still fall pretty much in line with what I would have expected. Still, it's a pretty damn entertaining show, and far better than a lotta stuff on TV.

Oh, and I bought the new Weird Al Yankovic album, Straight Outta Lynwood. Listening to it right now (I bought it yesterday, and then realized I had no methods to play it with my computer gone), and it's pretty fantastic. If you grew up on Weird Al, and are still man (or woman) enough to admit that he kicks ass, I doubt you'd be disappointed. There's a new polkarama song and a parody of "Trapped in the Closet" called "Trapped in the Drive-Thru."

Oh...I saw an advance screening of The Departed. I guarantee there'll be a review for this (I was excited enough to write most of it on notebook paper), but to put it simply it's fucking amazing. And I don't swear a lot to express how good stuff is. But it's fucking amazing.


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