Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Come On Now, Sugar

Did you watch Studio 60? Well, did you? You know I'm just gonna bug you until you do. Might as well start. It's probably the only drama show out there that hooks you into watching it wee after week purely because it's well-written and performed by a talented cast, rather than relying on cliffhangers. I'm as big a fan of LOST as the next person (assuming the next person isn't Ken Parry, who was identified last year by many as being "that guy who watches LOST"), but I'll admit that it is a pretty cheap gimmick to get people to tune in every week.

I took Chester in today, the saga of which will make for a post unto itself, but we'll wait until I'm not hurridly typing on a computer in the Emerson lobby.

For now, I rushed down here to be sure I posted to let you guys know to watch the 3rd season premiere Veronica Mars tomorrow at 9/8c on the CW (which is what became of the WB and UPN...check local listings). I know, it sounds like kind of a chick show (mostly because it stars a chick), but I just finished the first season DVD and I really fell for it. It's basically a girl in high school (this year she goes to college) who solves mysteries, and thankfully it's more along the lines of Phillip Marlowe than Nancy Drew or the Hardy Boys. It became a little formulaic in the middle, and you do have to forgive it for some of the pitfalls of a high school show (but if you ever watched Smallville, that had FAR more teen drama than Mars). But it did have probably the best season finale of any show I've ever seen, mainly in that it actually TIED UP THE PLOT in a way that was at once surprising, but also made perfect sense and was as emotionally-charged as you'll get from a TV show (speaking in terms of real, genuine emotion). As great as the season finales of The West Wing were, it was one of the few times that show ever used the cliffhanger gimmick. And even in its formulaic episodes, Mars still rocks. It's geniunely fun to watch, which is something you don't see in a lot of dramas (except Studio 60). TIME Magazine called it one of the six best dramas on television the year it debuted, putting it alongside LOST, The Shield, and House.

I'll shut up now.

P.S. I changed the little caption under my blog title after Ben and Mike pointed out my continued failure with the English language.

P.P.S. Just finished Chuck Klosterman's book Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs, which kicked ass.


At 10/03/2006 11:27 PM, Blogger Cynda said...

I WATCHED STUDIO 60!!! I LOOOOVE STUDIO 60!!!! Seriously if you watch it you can't not love it!!


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