Tuesday, October 10, 2006

It Didn't Come IN?

First, Ben, yeah, in a roundabout way it's a Dandy Warhol reference. That song is the theme for Veronica Mars, and that post dealt extensively with the show, so...yeah. By the way, the second episode of the third season was on tonight, and the show still rocks.

I jetted over to Newbury Comics today to pick up A Prairie Home Companion on DVD (a movie that's just about as perfect as they come), only to find out it hadn't come in. So now I have the unappealing choice of calling them again and again to see if it's come in or walking out there time and time again. I live such a fulfilling life. I ended up buying Thank You For Smoking to make it seem like I didn't totally waste my time. Admittedly, my financial management skills could use some work, but I'm not broke yet.

I have to find a politician speaking somewhere about something in the next week. Right now, it looks like I might be in trouble, but if anyone has any good resources for these sorts of things, I'd appreciate it. Right now it's looking like busting into a high school in Quincy to hope this Deval Patrick thing isn't just a meet-and-greet. Because my other option, the much more amusing Christy Mihos (responsible for the ad I posted a week or so ago), is an impossible trip according to the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority.

I wish my Production prof would e-mail me back telling me he figured out that my website actually works...because as it stands it's gonna be counted late, which would be, in a word, lame. Especially since I rushed back from The Departed and risked starvation to finish it. Really, I pretty hungry. I only had like, a sandwich for dinner. Trust me, the starving kids in Africa really are feeling for me.

P.S. Did you watch Studio 60 last night? Ha! Thought I'd forget, didja? No luck.


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