Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Tomorrow's one of those days when I wish I had a time machine so I could go through a few hours, then go back in time and relive those hours but do something totally different. To explain...the creative geniuses behind the TV show Home Movies (which was on Cartoon Network for awhile, but probably no longer is) are coming to campus to talk and show some of the shows and such. At the same time, I have tickets to free screenings of both Marie Antoinette and Flags of Our Fathers (both of which come out the next day, so not a huge loss but still, free movies). And the Green Arrow will be on Smallville, a show that's apparently good again. Anyway, I'll be going to the Home Movies thing, but it means I gotta see Antoinette and The Prestige on Friday, working in Flags of Our Fathers God-knows-when since it's not a movie I'm especially excited by (but it's directed by Clint Eastwood, whose last two films, Mystic River and Million Dollar Baby, were overhyped but nonetheless incredible pieces of filmmaking).

Sadly, that's about as exciting as my life gets. My buddy Adam asked me to be his assistant (read: coffee boy) on some film shoots he's doing in mid-November, which'll be nice 'cause I never do any shoots. Meanwhile, my buddy Mike wants to do a TV series, which I definitely wanna be a part of because writing television shows sounds like about as exciting as writing could ever be.

I still have to work on (start) that science paper, which I'm writing on Mt. St. Helen's (we just have to pick a disaster and research the shit out of it), a project that's only made complicated by the fact that I like to watch Scrubs from 7-8 and LOST is on at 9, and then of course South Park (which was brilliant last week) at 10 or midnight or whenever the crap we end up watching it (it being Wednesday, I think the girls have dibs on the TV for Project Runway or some crap). Yeah, it's a little unfortunate that I structure my entire week's activities based on what movies are out or what shows are on TV, but I care far more about what Cartman has to say about the world than anything that has to do with Mt. St. Helen's (except it being in the Great Northwest).


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