Thursday, November 02, 2006

Elisha Cuthbert in a Clockwork Orange Costume?

You bet your ass.

I am currently neck-deep in drawings for my animated (sorta) short movie for production (as messy as my bed usually is, it's insane tonight), and watching hours of Looney Tunes to get inspiration...I love these cartoons.

Tomorrow, I'm catching Borat, which EVERYONE is saying is beyond hilarious. Can't wait.

What else...nothing I can think of. Mainly just wanting to post the Cuthbert in the Clockwork Orange costume. Maybe that "Most Likely To..." about me was right after all.

The following are additions to the post above I thought of after the fact...

The Fandango (the ticket website) theme song was so stuck in my head that I actually went to their website. It's some sort of crazy, subliminal advertising I haven't seen before.

My sheets have become...let's just say it, they're filthy. I haven't washed them since I got here, which has, almost two months now. Way to go, me. Everytime I climb into bed I think, "wow, this is a mistake." Well, it's a weekend now, and weekends are my wash time.

I still haven't done all of the drawing for my movie...this is gonna be the best weekend ever!

P.S. It just occured to me that anyone reading this on Facebook never gets my embedded links. Well, sucks to be you guys...shows you should probably just be checking at the real page (which is in my profile).


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