Sunday, November 12, 2006

You Know What's Strange?

Anytime anyone in any current interview or statement or whatever says "ten years ago," I automatically assume they're talking about 1990. But ten years ago was frickin' 1996! Almost '97, really. I have no idea why this is at all, but it just is.

This came up because I was listening to a podcast of The Rick Emerson Show (the best radio show ever) and they were inteviewing - of all people - Joshua Jackson. In case you' me, and don't know who Joshua Jackson is, he was on Dawson's Creek, a show I have never once watched. I think I was accidentally watching like two minutes of a scene at someone's house some time ago. But anyway, really cool interview.

Cross your fingers for me...I may yet get into a screening of The Fountain this weekish.

Also, I have to go see a speech outside the Emerson environment Tuesday, and suddenly realized it could be impossible. Then I found this event at the Harvard Bookstore on Monday (and I swear to God, if the Fountain screening ends up being at the same time I will kill somebody) with this guy from ABC News who's analyzing Hilary's prospects for taking the White House in '08, and how the Clinton and Bush families have been analyzing and studying each other to strenghten their individual campaigns. He wrote a book called The Way to Win, which depending on how well this whole thing goes, I may just read. Which is retarded because I'm just now getting close to finishing Live From New York (by which I mean within 163 pages of completion, so not really THAT close), not close at all to finishing The Cider House Rules (174 of 552 pages), and I really got chapter into 102 Minutes (which is due back next Sunday, so I'm clearly not finishing that for some time). How did I go from not reading at all to reading frickin' everything?

P.S. On a related note, probably the only good part about the possibility of Hilary and Jeb Bush running for President is that we could have Bush vs. Clinton again. Never mind. It WOULD be the only good part.


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