Friday, November 17, 2006

Finish It

Today was an altogether strange day. As I walked out of the theater last night, I knew The Fountain was a movie that would be rattling around in my head for awhile as I tried to sort of figure it all out. It'll definitely take a few more viewings before I totally realize not only all of what's in the story, but all of what its effect on me was and is and will be. But I'm not kidding, it was all I could think about today. I haven't even put on any music yet. I'm writing up a quasi-review, because I only have an inkling of what the movie's all about, but I gotta get that much out there.

I was talking with my buddy Mike earlier today (he went to the screening with me), and while we differed on our views of some of the film, we both agreed that we've never been so immediately drawn into a film and held there so firmly for the duration. I literally couldn't speak after it was over and the credits were rolling. And I've sort of been in that state of awe, wonder, and curiosity all day.

In some ways I am glad I missed that screening a month back. Waiting so long to see it again would've been torture. As it is, a week to a week and a half seems too long.


No Shave November's going pretty sweet. I doubt I'll be able to keep all of it over Thanksgiving (gotta love being a guest in someone's house and showing up all scraggly, swearing it's a matter of brotherhood). But I got a good look going.

People who've sent me mail, I swear to God I was going to write to you all on Tuesday, then a ton of crap came up, then Wednesday was The Fountain, so I'm gonna start in on some tonight and definitely have everything mailed on Monday. You can read them over your turkey. AND LIKE IT.


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