Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hot Damn

It's been almost a week since the last update? WTF indeed, sirs and ma'ms. Unfortunately, I still have hardly anything to talk about...

We discovered Warthog Jousting in Halo 2. Have I got something for you guys.

My awesome headphones developed a...well, a breaking. But it's just in the ring that holds the actual can on the left side (I'm still at a loss as to how the sound gets to both cans, but I've never been very bright). The can is still held by...well, it'd really help if you could see them, but everything stays in place, but it feels a lot more precarious now. They still work, but I'm gonna have to employ some duct tape to get them back to full comfort.

New goal - start this screenplay I've been thinking about for the past two years, finish the first draft by the end of the summer.

Gonna go see The Departed again on Wednesday while it's in its Academy Run. Sure, it's coming out on DVD in two weeks, but it's the big screen man!

I checked out H.P. Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness from the Emerson library. All this school reading is really cutting into my fun reading, but Mountains is only about a hundred pages long, so I figure it's within grasp. Dense though. Damn you 1930s. And of course the only book it came in is a collection that's like FIVE HUNDRED pages long. I hate big books.

Skipping my first class tomorrow (Tuesday).

Oh, now's a good time to make this absolutely clear. I don't know why in the world somebody wouldn't know by now (I tell everybody), but days no longer start at midnight. That's just retarded. Your parents go to bed before midnight. Not you. You stay up 'til, on average, 2 or 3. So the day now starts at 4 AM. It's official as far as you're concerned. If I hear anyone else say "what have you got planned for later today?" at 1 AM, they will pay. Spread the word, and together we can really make a difference.

We'll change the seasons as soon as Maggie and I can come to a consensus. In the meantime, push for the option where we start the seasons at the 1st of the months they're scheduled for now, instead of the 21st (Winter starts on December 1st instead of December 21st, por ejemple). It just makes sense.

My friend Gray is hosting a 10-minute dance party on Wednesday. I think it'll really only be great and legendary by adhering to the 10-minute part. Don't get me wrong, more dance = good, but dance parties happen all the time. 10-minute dance parties? So very rare.

In other Facebook news, there's a "That's What She Said Day" on February 15th, in which you basically reply at any vaguely-applicable comment with "that's what she said." I think it's pretty cool so I'll join in. Not like I have anything better planned.

Hey, look at that, I had something to talk about! Let's do this more often.


At 1/30/2007 4:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I nominate Scott for best blogger ever.

At 2/01/2007 2:33 AM, Blogger b said...

hey that was my nomination!


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