Tuesday, February 05, 2008

VH1 Will Be Right For Once

It really is Best Week Ever in pop culture. Well, best seven consecutive days ever, anyway. Last Thursday, LOST season 4 kicked off in...not quite high gear. There wasn't a moment like in the season 2 opener, when the mysterious hatch from the end of season 1 was revealed to be a rather posh laboratory and living quarters. Nor was there anything like the reveal that a suburban book club was actually taking place on the island (well, technically it was on the OTHER island), as in the first episode of season 3. But there were some pretty fantastic set ups that'll make it all the harder to wait for the rest of the season after these first eight episodes air (damn Writers' Strike...just give them their due money already!).

Then the week kicked more ass with Super Bowl XLII (that's 42, for the roman-numeral-illiterate), and even though I didn't say it at the time for fear of a beat-down, it really was immensely satisfying to see the Patriots get owned. Especially because they played so exceptionally poorly. They only got that first touchdown because the Giants got a penalty. The Giants showed up to PLAY, and they earned that victory 100%.

And now today...Super Tuesday, which I've been looking forward to...for awhile now, but especially since the primary/caucus season began. And even more so after John Edwards and Rudy Guilliani dropped out, and even though the Republican party doesn't want to admit it, theirs is just as much a two-man race as the Democrats'. And somehow, McCain is completely unstoppable. And as much as I'm not all that big a fan of McCain because he, somehow, still supports the war (never mind Bush's kooky Social Security plan and, depending on what day it is, those tax cuts for the wealthy), you gotta give it up to him. Just...what, six months ago his top advisors straight-up quit and everyone (myself included) was going on and on about how McCain won't be elected by anyone, anywhere. Of course, that was when Fred Thompson was the GOP frontrunner, so things have certainly changed.

But man, Mike Huckabee really can't get out of this race fast enough. And really, as if you didn't have reason enough to be really freaked out...

But it doesn't really matter because, come January '09, it really will be either a black man or a woman in the White House. Maybe both. After last Thursday's freaky debate where they actually didn't just pummel each other for two hours (admittedly, that's what I had hoped for), anything's possible.

Best election ever, it really is.


At 2/05/2008 11:34 AM, Blogger b said...

Romney told supporters in Georgia he is "definitely the underdog compared to Sen. McCain...But the nice thing about being the underdog is that we typically win"

um, yeah. that's why vegas loses soooo much money every year. those pesky predictably surprising underdogs.

i like the optimism. its coming back to me too. one way or another, things are gonna hafta get better.

At 2/05/2008 5:35 PM, Blogger Scott Nye said...

It's really true...it's almost impossible to imagine anything getting worse. And I don't know if it's just my uber-patriotic, doey-eyed side that believes we'll someday see some Bartlett-like guy in office, but it really feels like Hillary and/or Obama could really change something.


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