Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Classes for Fall

My schedule for next year officially kicks ass...

2-3:45 Discovering Journalism
4-5:45 Intro to Media Production

12-1:45 Speech
4-5:45 Natural Disasters and Earth Science

Now, let's count the ways that this kicks ass...

1) No Friday classes. Again.

2) I'm getting my science credit by taking a class on natural disasters...volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes...any way that nature can screw you over, THAT'S what I'm learning about.

3) My earliest class is noon, and twice a week I don't start 'til 2.

4) Journalism worked out for me.

5) Intro to Media Production is the first class they give you a camera in.

I can't justify speech class...that will blow.

So yeah...should be a good Fall. Or Autumn, as the Turks say. I don't know what the Turks say. But speaking of Turkey, 70% of their country suffers from the most fantastic (and by fantastic I mean something you would never want in your entire life) eating disorder. I'll talk about that soon. It's worth the wait.


At 4/12/2006 5:23 AM, Blogger magda. said...

Oh boy, I love eating disorders... right up my alley, they are.

And oh God, I hope I never have to take a speech class or I quite possibly may die. But other than that, props on the schedule... very well done, I say.

At 4/12/2006 3:09 PM, Blogger imac said...

I would hate speech more, but it only counts for 2 of my 24 hours of class a week

At 4/14/2006 12:12 AM, Blogger b said...

I once gave a speech before the United Nations.

That's a lie.

I think Ian, subtle braggard that he is, may be taking almost twice as many credits as you. I envy you quite a lot.


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