Tuesday, May 30, 2006


As you may recall, the family has two cars that have been designated to be shared between my brother and I. One is a blue '95 Jeep Cherokee, which we call Blue, and the other is a red '98 Grand Cherokee, which we call Red. Blue's the one I've been driving pretty much since I've been driving, and I love that car about as much as you can love inanimate objects. Of course, my brother quite enjoys the car too. So we switch off, the other getting Red, which drives like a tank, doesn't have an iPod hookup, and as I recently discovered...cannot play burned CDs.

Now here's the thing - I suck. As I result of the suck, very little of the music that resides on my computer I actually have in any sort of solid form. So I figured with me driving Red, I'll just burn a crapload of it to CD, problem solved. Not so.

So that's fun. As it stands, I'll be mooching off my brother and dad, though I'll have to hit Everyday Music 'cause I really can't last two weeks without Joni, Meat Loaf, The Guess Who, KISS, The Who, or...shit, looking at it now, there's a ton I'll be missing. Damn.


At 6/02/2006 1:21 PM, Blogger benjamin said...

yeah, well try driving a horse and buggy to work everyday. you can put a cd in the slot alright, but it's not gonna produce music

.aaaand there's another perfect example of me talking before i think

At 6/03/2006 7:47 AM, Blogger b said...

i would like to point out that that was not me


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