Monday, May 08, 2006


How are you? Good? Good. How was your morning? Wake up okay? Did your mom call you at 8:30 to tell you that your only real lead in terms of employment was doing group interviews out of nowhere in an hour and a half? No? You lucky bastard.

It went pretty well I think. I'm still sick, and running on less than six hours of sleep wasn't really working for me. But I told theater stories, because after all, I've never had a real job in my life. Yes. I suck.

Rachel sent me a dartboard for my birthday. Rachel...thanks again for the dartboard. Here's my reaction talking to Mary Pitman online after I grabbed the two boxes the UPS guy left at my door.

Lobstr Johnson: well, only one of the boxes was something i sent from college
Lobstr Johnson: the other is this big flat thing from indiana
Lobstr Johnson: it's a dartboard...
Lobstr Johnson: someone sent me a dartboard
Mary: ....
Mary: wait but why?
Lobstr Johnson: rachel finn
Lobstr Johnson: rachel bought me a dartboard
Lobstr Johnson: i have no idea why rachel would ever buy me a dartboard
Lobstr Johnson: this is the weirdest gift i've ever gotten in my entire life

It's been a strange sort of day. But again Rachel, if only because the phrase makes me laugh...thanks for the dartboard. I actually really do like darts. As anyone who attended the male end of either the Junior or Senior year after-Prom party knows...the darts don't always hit the board. They're not always aimed at the board, but at small insects on the ground that annoy me. But I do like darts.

It's time to go watch hours of Arrested Development and wonder how precisely today went so horribly askew.


At 5/08/2006 7:32 PM, Blogger imac said...

Hell yes for breaking Dave's room with darts!


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