Monday, April 24, 2006

The Day After Tomorrow

I turn twenty in two (TWO!) days. Nice. Have a pretty sweet day lined up for it. After classes (read: a final) I mean. Dinner at a burger/steak joint at 6, then my buddy Nick's in a play at 8. And no school Thursday and (as always) Friday, so that's pretty cool. So if you want to call me that day (and I'll love you if you do), best time is between 4 and 6, or after 11 (all EST of course).

So I recently heard Ben Affleck said that President Bush should be hung...turns out he just said he COULD be hung if he did in fact leak classified information. It all happened on Real Time with Bill Maher, and in my continuing effort to prove that Ben Affleck is a smart, funny guy who doesn't get enough credit because he largely picks bad movies and can't act (but he kicks ass in Chasing Amy and Good Will Hunting, I don't care what anyone says), I sought out the video for it. It's not the whole program, but it's mostly HERE.

Democratic Senator Joe Biden was on the show, too, who is apparently running for President in '08. Knowing very little about him and basing it solely on what I saw here, I'm a fan already, especially because he was willing to a) point out some of the problems in his own party, and b) get to the heart of the issue of the role faith has come to play in the political world the last three years, and why it is an issue. Also some great insight about the President, which I feel he's qualified to make having had meetings with him. It's really good stuff, take some time to watch it.

Bought Network on DVD, which is the smartest damn purchase in awhile. Movie kicks ass, and the special features are fantastic. Highly recommend you catch it sometime, at the very least force me to show it to you. It's for your own good.

P.S. Has nothing to do with the above, but there's a girl in my class who, swear to God, looks exactly like Gwen Stacy (Spider-Man's ill-fated girlfriend from the 60s). It's spooky. And hot.


At 4/25/2006 1:44 AM, Blogger b said...

I'm anti-love, so you will not be getting a call from me sir.

At 4/26/2006 4:39 PM, Blogger magda. said...


P.S. When are you going home?

At 4/26/2006 8:33 PM, Blogger imac said...

You are old.


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