Sunday, April 16, 2006

Been a bizarre sort of weekend...

Without going into details, this weekend has included...

-Alan Toffler calling me from what I gathered to be the Queen concert.

-All day dining hall day, noon to eight.

-Guys from the Naval Academy who told stories that made us all feel like wimps.

-One hobo fight on the street and one near-fight at the South Street Diner.

-A woman on the street giving me the scariest "I could knife you any second" glare I've ever seen.

-Leading a group of five drunk women to Cheers who, midway through the walk, yelled at us "You don't mind if we're gay, right?!"


And it's only halfway through the weekend, since we have tomorrow off for "Patriot's Day," but it's really for the Boston Marathon, which I'm sure will be all kinds I always had a problem with that Portland Bike Day when they close down all the bridges so people can ride across them (giving Portland bicycle riders any power is never a good thing), and now that foot traffic will be greatly impeded...yeah, can't wait.


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