Tuesday, June 06, 2006

When The Rail has fallen to the bottom of my list of the recently-updated blogs (including The Seinfeld Chronicles, which gets no action anymore), it's time for an update.

So the bad news is I'm working overtime tomorrow. The good news is "overtime" for me really only puts me at around 5 PM. The bad news is that I'm looking to go out tonight, which usually equals not a lotta sleep. Oh so little sleep. The good news is no work on Thursday. The better news is I definitely have June 28th off, the day Superman opens, which means hells yeah for the midnight showing and as many as I can hit that day.

Snatched what I suspect to the be last copy of the Criterion Dazed and Confused DVD from the Best Buy at Cedar Hills. It was literally sitting by that computer they use to check their stock and stuff. It was probably on hold for somebody, but I wasn't about to let that stop me. Swear it was the only copy in the damn store, and it's a damn good thing I grabbed it 'cause it kicks ass. 72-page booklet, movie poster, ton of special features. And the movie kicks ass.

Also kicking ass...Entourage on HBO. Those of you with ON Demand (and HBO, naturally), catch up on Season 2 before Season 3 starts Sunday, and don't say I never pointed you to good TV. I just discovered it myself, and watched four and a half hours yesterday. Yeah. What now.

Seriously, who wants to see The Break-Up with me?

Blogger's going wacky on me, time to jet (and eat).


At 6/09/2006 9:15 AM, Blogger benjamin said...

I'll see the breakup with you. Do you know what the popcorn trick is? No? Good. I'll go get myself dressed up.

At 6/10/2006 3:52 AM, Blogger b said...

wait, are you emerson ben?

At 6/10/2006 7:28 PM, Blogger imac said...

I hope that isn't the same popcorn trick that I think it is.

At 6/12/2006 10:55 AM, Blogger benjamin said...

I'll respond to those last two comments with a yes. Nice to meet you, Portland Ben (Scott could refer to me as Benjamin but i think he thinks it's too many syllables. Although emerson ben is just as many).


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