Friday, July 28, 2006

In Need of an Update

Some various topics I wanted to talk about over the past week but got way too busy to even attempt...

I saw Titanic finally, more as a necessary piece of catching all the James Cameron flicks than anything else (I've rented Aliens twice now and failed to watch it, AND gotten late fees both times, so it might be a bit before I attempt that again). But I really liked it. Everything before the boat sinks is times great, but mostly just good. But once that boat hits man, it's fantastic. Loved every second. Anyway, it was a nice way of making peace with the past after every girl in fifth grade was obsessed with that movie, mainly because of Leo DiCaprio, who I despised for years but have now forgiven (it's all about The Aviator).

There was a summer Coffee House thing on Tuesday night, which was unbelievably fun to work on and go to. Man I miss putting on those. Just about the whole set-up gang was there (we all missed ya, Rachel), and they have a great (though oversized) committee for next year. It was all in the Hayes Plaza, which was sweet to finally see after years of talking about how cool it'd be.

Had more to talk's lost to me now. So very tired. Must sleep tonight. John's tomorrow. Also A Scanner Darkly. Sweet.


At 7/30/2006 4:24 AM, Blogger magda. said...

You know, I never really understood that Leonardo DiCaprio fascination that swept the nation after Titanic came out. (Hey, I rhymed!) I swear, all the girls I knew were having some kind of contest as to who could see it the most times (one girl saw it eight times in the first month, I kid you not). It's enough to make any guy hate Leo...


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