Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Bush Birthday Wishes

President Bush was in Chicago Thursday for his 60th birthday, having dinner with Mayor Daley. When asked by reporters what he wanted for his birthday he replied, "I've got a lot of birthday wishes. I hope the troops are safe. I hope Roger Ebert does well."

This seems less troubling to me than just...bizarre. Troops...then Ebert! To be fair, Ebert is in the hospital and does write for the Chicago Sun-Times, so there is some logic here. But you read that and it's just like...ah, what'll ya do.


At 7/11/2006 4:28 PM, Blogger imac said...

It's classic bait-and-switch. He grabs your attention by talking about the troops and all of a sudden he starts talking about Ebert and you kind of forget about the troops.

Or maybe he just has a short attention span and a history of really lame birthdays...in fact, that's probably it.

Can you tell that I'm bored? Because I am. Very much so.


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