Thursday, June 15, 2006


I just stepped right on a rock while walking barefoot into the house. Almost completely avoided any sort of accident all day, though with a pool to shortly be thrown into said day, I suppose anything could happen.

Went to dinner with Beth last night, which was on the edge of turning from adventure to fiasco when, after being kicked out of the Blue Moon Tavern because the 21+ rule sets in at 8 PM, we thought we were being kicked out of the Ram's Head, another McMenamin's brach, when in fact they just closed off a certain section for 21+. Thank God for that.

Been eating a lot of the McMenamin's lately. Not that I'm complaining. It's really quite good.

On the Rick Emerson Show tomorrow, around 2:15, Brian O'Halloran and Jeff Anderson, better known as Dante and Randall from Clerks and Clerks II (which received an 8-minute standing O at Cannes), will be in the studio. I realize none of you will tune in, but just in case I'm not the only one who now feels it necessary to leave work a smidge early to hear it, I felt I should mention it. Never say I don't keep you informed.

I saw Cars, and while there's nothing really wrong with it, there's nothing that really makes it a standout in the Pixar library, which is a damn shame. I'll write a review later, when I care. If I care.

Some days, I'm hardly affected by the three-hour sleep I got the night before. This is not one of those days. If any of the above sentences, or this very sentence itself, were at all incoherrent or entirely unreadable, you have my sincere apology.


At 6/15/2006 6:26 PM, Blogger Nancy said...

I'm sorry to hear you stepped on a rock.


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