Thursday, November 30, 2006

Best 2 Hours of TV

Say what you will about NBC's current line-up (Studio 60 rocks...and just about everything is better than frickin' Grey's Anatomy...good Lord do I hate that show), but they are the only ones who have anything funny on in primetime. Oh wait, they have three funny things on in primetime. What? Oh, right, now they have four.

Starting tonight...

8:00 - My Name is Earl
8:30 - The Office
9:00 - Scrubs
9:30 - 30 Rock

Yeah, I'll admit it. I like My Name is Earl. And despite my sworn hatred for Tina Fey, 30 Rock is a genuinely funny show. But if nothing else, the solid hour block of The Office and Scrubs is solid gold, as they are without a doubt the two funniest shows on television (besides South Park, which is and will always be genius). Anyway, I'm pretty pumped.

DAMMIT! Just looked at the TV Listings and Grey's Anatomy runs through the 9:00 hour! I smell a common room TV war unlike any seen before. I hate you, Grey's Anatomy...I hate you so much...

Ahem. Yahoo is reporting that people playing the Nintendo Wii are getting out of hand and breaking their windows and TVs with the remote when it slips after a hearty round of bowling or whatever the crap they're pushing on that system. I will admit that, having seen the Wii in action, I may have been wrong about what a crappy idea the whole thing is, but I will also say I cannot envision any game in which you'd be wielding the remote with such force that it would actually fly from your hand. But I'm also stuck on that damn dream level in Max Payne, so it's all relative.


At 12/02/2006 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the wii holds so much more power than we all could have imagined. Breaking windows is only the beginning of its plan.


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